Author: carly

The Alberta Health Services is conducting a contact tracing investigation of COVID-19 in schools following an outbreak that has been detected. The health authority is working to find out how many students are infected and what the source of this infection might be.
Parents should check their children’s symptoms if they have been exposed to someone who appears sick with a fever.
Premier Jason Kenny announced this move on Tuesday afternoon after noting concern over whenever a school has more than two infections. He authorized that the COVID-19 cases in schools be posted online. This exercise will assist the Alberta health…

With an increase in fuel prices, Canadians are expected to dig more into their pockets. This trend comes after the fuel prices in Winnipeg increased by 10 cents on Thursday. A liter is now going for $1.429, up from $1.335. Residents have considered this difference to be huge since it has not been experienced for the past 13 years.
The increase in fuel prices is also expected to happen across the country in the coming days because of the low supply levels that are inconsistent in comparison to the high demand witnessed lately. Jet fuel has also increased by 64 percent while gas prices also followed suit.
Because of this …

In a recent press conference, the Alberta provincial government announced it would be re-implementing some of the health measures that were dropped ahead of the start of the school year. The reason for this is because 25% of the current active COVID-19 cases in Alberta are children between 5 and 17 years old.
While addressing this topic of concern, Premier Jason Kenney was accompanied by the health and education ministers on Tuesday afternoon to announce about contact tracing in schools.
He said that schools would be forced to study online whenever cases of COVID-19 are reported. For instance, if a class reports about 3 cases…